Environmental Protecion
From the very beginning, Alveola Ltd. has been committed to the environment, society and its employees. Keeping the environmental impact as low as possible and conserving natural resources are therefore as much a part of the company’s philosophy as the careful, environmentally friendly processing of the materials used.

Our key environmental objective is to continuously improve our environmental performance.
The environmental awareness of our staff is worthy of attention and praise, as it is a guarantee of successful environmental work.
In addition to the commitment of senior staff and the use of state-of-the-art technology, success lies in keeping staff well informed and environmentally aware.
Alveola Ltd. is responsible for the continuous improvement of the environmental friendliness of its services and activities, sites and the environmentally friendly management of natural resources.
The environmental policy of Alveola Ltd.
We strive to reduce the environmental impact with technologies we use, and their application promotes the economical use of materials and energy, and the protection of the environment.
Alveola is committed to adopting sustainable and environmentally friendly business practices and conducting all its activities in accordance with environmental principles and standards. Our company has been on the green journey for many years, and the following environmental policy reinforces our commitment to protecting our planet.

From this starting point, the company’s management is committed to continuous improvement and development. Taking into account its financial and human resources and reserves, it is continuously improving and replacing non environmentally friendly materials and technology.
It ensures continuous monitoring and maintenance of the use of materials and energy, always bearing in mind the potential for savings. It is committed to avoiding and preventing air, water and soil pollution. When introducing new technologies, processes and products, it will take particular care to identify and control their environmental impact and minimise their potential for harm. A standardised procedure for assessing environmental performance is in place and indicators are continuously monitored.
Alveola Ltd. complies with environmental legislation and regulations relevant to its activities, as well as its environmental commitments. In order to protect the environment, all employees, subcontractors, and suppliers are engaged to achieve environmental goals. The commitment of the company’s management to environmental protection is further proven by the green transition investments made in recent years. Alveola was among the first companies to discontinue the use of microplastics in its cosmetic products, as early as the beginning of the 2000s.
Selective Waste Collection:
Alveola strictly applies selective waste collection in all its business units and offices. All employees are encouraged to place paper, plastic, glass and other materials in the appropriate containers. In this way we contribute to waste recycling and reduce its environmental impact.

Renewable energy:
For more than 20 years we have been working to reduce the CO2 emissions associated with our industrial activities. To achieve this, we have improved the energy efficiency of all our facilities (buildings, equipment, etc.), increasing the use of local renewable energy where possible. We use solar collectors to produce hot water and solar panels to generate electricity. These technologies not only reduce costs, but also minimise negative environmental impacts and contribute to the use of sustainable energy sources.

Water saving:
Alveola is committed to water saving. We regularly monitor and optimise water usage at our sites and plants to minimise water loads. We also educate and motivate our employees to understand and put into practice the importance of water conservation.
Microplastics are tiny pieces of plastic that can end up in the ocean and potentially harm the environment. Most of them come from the degradation of larger plastics in water, but some also come from their use in consumer and industrial products.
Our company recognised the harmful environmental impact of microplastics early on, and was among the first companies to stop using small plastic exfoliating beads as exfoliators in certain face and body scrubs.
Environmentally friendly packaging:
Alveola is committed to reducing the environmental impact of packaging and to this end we are actively involved in the search for and use of environmentally friendly packaging solutions. We are constantly looking for ways to improve our packaging and product formulations to ensure that our planet and aquatic ecosystems are protected. We aim to prioritise recyclable, biodegradable and sustainable materials.

Circular Material Use:
Alveola is committed to promoting the principles of circular material use. By prioritising recycled materials and focusing on reusable packaging materials, we are working to reduce the need for new materials and minimise the burden on landfills.
Animal testing:
Alveola is perhaps the only company that has not tested its products on animals since its inception, although no cosmetics company is allowed to do so under current regulations.
The environmental policy of Alveola Ltd. applies to all our employees and business partners. Environmental responsibility is at the heart of our commitment to sustainability and our aim is to set an example of sustainable business practices for others in the cosmetics industry.